Gibson Island
The Gibson Island Green Hydrogen and Ammonia Project is a collaboration between Fortescue Energy (Fortescue) and Incitec Pivot Limited (IPL) to convert and develop green hydrogen and green ammonia facilities at Gibson Island, an industrial area in Brisbane.
Green Ammonia
400k tonnes per year
Gibson Island Green Hydrogen and Ammonia Project
The Gibson Island Green Hydrogen and Ammonia Project is a collaboration between Fortescue Energy (Fortescue) and Incitec Pivot Limited (IPL) to convert and develop green hydrogen and green ammonia facilities at Gibson Island, an industrial area in Brisbane.
If progressed, the Project will cement Queensland as a major player in building our domestic and international export markets for renewable hydrogen and ammonia, helping to decarbonise emissions-intensive industries, whilst contributing to the safeguarding of local manufacturing jobs and providing positive social, environmental, technological and economic benefits to the region.
The proposed project involves the development of a Hydrogen Production Facility, with green hydrogen produced via electrolysis, which will be fed to IPL’s upgraded ammonia plant, located adjacent to Fortescue’s site, to produce green ammonia. Water for the project will be supplied using a mix of potable and purified recycled sources. The plant will be designed to transition to access supply from Brisbane city’s sustainable water precinct when available.
Fortescue is currently working with Queensland’s transmission network service provider Powerlink, to secure required project infrastructure and associated approvals to build a new 1.6km, 275kV overhead transmission line, which will allow renewable electricity to connect the Murarrie Substation to Fortescue’s green hydrogen facility.
The new Facility is expected to produce up to 70,000 tonnes of green hydrogen annually, which will then be used to produce up to 400,000 tonnes of green ammonia each year, for export from the existing IPL Warf.
Once operating, the project will support more than 4,600 direct and indirect jobs per year in Queensland and contribute $15.7 billion to Queensland’s Gross State Product over its 33-year life.
Commercial production from the project is planned to commence in 2026.
Project Funding
The Gibson Island Green Hydrogen and Ammonia Project received A$13.66 million from the Australian Renewable Energy Agency (ARENA) as part of ARENA’s Advancing Renewables Program.
Funding from this agency has contributed to the Project’s Front End Engineering Design (FEED) phase, further assisting Fortescue and IPL’s understanding and development of the project’s technical, commercial, environmental and social requirements, and in recognition that the Project will be a key enabler in springboarding Australia’s production of renewable hydrogen through development of a world-class facility.
More information can be found at: Gibson Island Renewable Ammonia Project FEED Study - Australian Renewable Energy Agency (ARENA).
Regulatory Approvals and Public Consultation
Proposed Powerlink Transmission Line
In accordance with the Queensland Minister for State Development, Infrastructure, Local Government and Planning (DSDILGP) guidelines for submission of a Ministerial Infrastructure Designation (MID) approval, Fortescue undertook engagement with the community and key stakeholders in February and March 2023 for the proposed 1.6km, 275kV transmission line between Powerlink’s Murarrie Substation and the Gibson Island Green Hydrogen Facility.
Feedback received has assisted in refining the proposed corridor route, resulting in further environmental and social mitigation and management measures being identified and incorporated into the overall design of the project for construction and operational phases.
As part of the Minister's assement process, Fortescue is committed to ensuring our communities and key stakeholders are informed about the project's status and have an opporutntiy to provide comment on the propsed tranmission line report.
A copy of the MID Proposal and supporting documentation can be found here: www.statedevelopment.qld.gov.au/mid-consultations Live Applications: MID-0923-0719 – Gibson Island Transmission Line
An opportunity to provide feedback as part of Fortescue’s formal consultation period for the proposed transmission line report will be available from 23 October 2023 until COB, 20 November 2023. Please submit your comments to: Gibsonislandinformation@fortescue.com
All feedback received on the proposed transmission line will be communicated to DSDILGP, as required by the Department, and will be considered as part of the Minister's approval decision. Fortescue will communicate any material changes to the proposed transmission line to affected stakeholders following announcement of the Minister's decision.
Following on from previous engagement led by Fortescue, once the MID application is approved, Powerlink will commence contacting impacted landholders, the local community and other stakeholders regarding construction activities for the transmission line. The line will be built, owned, operated and maintained by Powerlink.
Proposed Gibson Island Green Hydrogen Facility
The primary approvals required for the project’s green hydrogen facility include planning and environmental approvals.
Fortescue obtained development approval for boundary realignment (Reconfiguration of Lot) in August 2023 to configure the site to suit the project needs.
The primary planning approval is a Material Change of Use (MCU) development permit, which has been lodged with the Brisbane City Council (BCC) and the State Assessment and Referral Agency (SARA). Various impact assessments have been carried out in support of the development application, including traffic, air, noise and others. These are available for viewing and downloading on the BCC website - Application documents | Development.i (brisbane.qld.gov.au)
The public notification period from 10 May to 1 June 2023 closed with one submission received.
An Environmental Authority for chemical manufacturing (Environmentally Relevant Activity 7) was granted by the Department of Environment and Science on 25 July 2023, with standard conditions relating to management of wastes, air, water and noise emissions. This will take effect when the MCU permit is granted. SARA requirements have been fully satisfied with the agency’s formal response to BCC issued on 28 July 2023, with no conditions. Following this, BCC has entered the decision period for the Development Application, with a decision expected by the end of October 2023.
Operational Works development permits will be sought from BCC prior to the commencement of construction, while other site-specific approvals will be obtained from relevant agencies, such as soil disposal permit for the movement of soil to and from the site.
Cultural Heritage Management Agreements are in place with both Turrbal and Jagera Traditional Owners, who have monitored early works and will continue to work closely with Fortescue to manage any risks to cultural heritage that may be identified as part of project activities.
The health and safety of our people, including contractors and suppliers, and the communities in which we operate are Fortescue’s highest priority.
The Gibson Island facility will be classified as a Major Hazard Facility (MHF) as required by Queensland Work Health and Safety laws. Under these laws Fortescue has a duty to eliminate or reduce the risk of a major incident occurring by adopting appropriate control measures. Multiple safety assessments will be undertaken as part of the design process ensuring risks are managed to as low as reasonably practicable.
The safety assessments involve a comprehensive and systematic investigation and analysis of all aspects of risks to health and safety associated with all major incidents that could occur during the operation of the facility. Hazards relating to project processes, such as storage units, operation procedures and safety elements, including shutdown procedures, are identified to then assess potential safety risks to workers and surrounding communities.
See Workplace Health and Safety Queensland’s Major Hazard Facility page for further information on the requirements to safely operate a MHF in Queensland.
Workplace Health and Safety Queensland Major Hazard Facility
Engaging Our Communities and Managing Social Performance
Fortescue is committed to keeping the Gibson Island and Hemmant communities informed about our planned activities, as well as to creating long-term benefits for the region throughout all development phases of the Gibson Island Green Hydrogen and Ammonia Project.
We continue to work closely with the Turrbal and Jagera Traditional Owners, community groups, landholders, close neighbours, industry partners and key stakeholders to enable open, honest and ongoing dialogue, and in support of building positive growth of the renewable industry where we have a presence.
An important part of the project’s technical studies for FEED phase included completion of a comprehensive Social Impact Assessment. Focus group sessions, stakeholder interviews and a public online survey were undertaken to help inform the process and outcomes/findings have been incorporated into a Social Impact Management Plan, which will be implemented throughout construction and life of the project.
How we connect | Timeline |
Project introduction letter to local residents/businesses | August 2022 |
Project introduction and on-going liaison with Traditional Owners | October 2022 and ongoing |
Landholder liaison | Commenced 2022 and ongoing |
Community Information Sessions | February/March 2023 |
Community Online Survey | February/March 2023 |
Letter and map of transmission line corridor distributed to local residents/businesses/ key stakeholders | February/March 2023 |
Project Information Newsletter #1 distributed to local residents/businesses/ key stakeholders | February/March 2023 |
Participation in Gibson Island clean up organised by the Bulimba Creek Catchment Coordinating Committee | March 2023 |
Participation in Gibson Island tree planting and clean up organised by the Bulimba Creek Catchment Coordinating Committee | 22 June 2023 |
Letter and map of transmission line corridor distributed to local residents/businesses/ key stakeholders (refined corridor and design following community and stakeholder feedback) |
October 2023 |
Project Information Newsletter #2 distributed to local residents/businesses/ key stakeholders | October 2023 |
Hard copies of project newsletter placed with a number of local businesses throughout Gibson Island and Hemmant area. | October 2023 |
Community information drop-in sessions, Hemmant Community Hall | October - November 2023 |
Contributing to growth and investment in Queensland’s hydrogen sector
Fortescue recognises its role in contributing to thriving communities and creating local value and economic benefits through investing in local communities, domestic manufacturing and the green energy supply chain.
We are working with government, project and industry partners and education providers to identify these opportunities and are investing in the long-term vision for growth of the renewable industry through our Local Content Strategy focussing on:
- research and development
- green energy education
- training and skills development for employment
- opportunities for small and medium enterprise development
If you are interested in providing services or understanding what procurement opportunities are available for the Gibson Island Green Hydrogen and Ammonia Project, please register through the Industry Capability Network Gateway at Gibson Island Project (icn.org.au).
Project Newsletters
Gibson Island Green Hydrogen and Ammonia Project Information Sheet (Q4 2023)
- Green hydrogen fact sheet
- Green hydrogen safety factsheet
- Green ammonia fact sheet
- Green ammonia safety fact sheet
Contact us
General Enquiries: 1800 334 287
Send an online enquiry or general feedback: Gibsonislandinformation@fortescue.com