Environmental stewardship

Our activities have the potential to impact the environment and we are committed to minimising these impacts by integrating mitigation measures into all stages of our projects and operations. We recognise our role in safeguarding the environment and we aim to create overall biodiversity benefits in the areas in which we work.
Managing environmental impacts
We are committed to safeguarding the environment for future generations through responsible environmental management wherever we operate. We implement, maintain and continually improve a company-wide Environmental Management System (EMS) that is aligned with ISO14001. It applies to contractors and subcontractors where Fortescue maintains operational control in respect to the environmental impacts of our activities, products and services. In the UK, Fortescue Zero's Advanced Engineering group also maintains an ISO 14001 certified EMS for the engineering design, development and testing activities at its Spires HQ facility.

Global energy projects
All global energy projects are required to undertake a rigorous environmental impact assessment, aligned with good international industry practice.
In FY24, we continued to progress the environmental assessments of our global portfolio of projects with $5.6 million spent on environmental baseline studies. The outcomes of these surveys inform project development decisions to ensure we avoid and minimise our environmental footprint wherever possible.

Protecting water resources
Water is a critical resource and its effective management is fundamental to the sustainability of our operations and the ecosystems and communities in which we operate. We are committed to the effective stewardship of water resources and practising responsible water management throughout our areas of operation and for the entire life span of our current and future projects.
All Fortescue Energy projects strive for certification under the Green Hydrogen Standard. The standard addresses water and wastewater, including sustainable water sourcing, water efficiency and wastewater management. Green energy projects progressing to FID must develop tailored water stewardship management plans to ensure that these criteria are met as projects progress into operations.